Sunday, March 16, 2014

TOW #21 - Visual Text: Neuro Bliss Bottles

     As you casually walk around Walgreens, Seven Eleven, or CVS, it is almost inevitable to pass by all the drinks lined up in the refrigerators. All the Arizona, Vitamin Water, milk, soda, and juice drinks are waiting to be bought. However, the one beverage that stands out the most is Neuro, particularly Neuro Bliss. 
      Neuro, started recently by entrepreneur and philanthropist Sanela Diana Jenkins, is a functional beverage that aims to provide consumers with the necessary vitamins and nutrients to get each and every one of them through their day, as shown through its descriptive names: Daily, Bliss, Passion, Sleep, and Trim. Made out of recycled materials, Neuro bottles have their own way of appealing to customers, allowing their sales to increase while benefitting buyers at the same time. 
     At first glance, the bright blue bottle of Neuro Bliss catches the shoppers' attention, making them stop walking to examine the unique bottle. The color of the bottle is powerful enough to because it stands out from all the other drinks surrounding it. Even the shape is unlike that of other bottles. By human nature, it is only natural for us to scrutinize things that are "out of the norm". But not only does its physical appearance appeal to consumers, but so does the text all over the bottle. The word "Bliss", which is the largest word present, followed by the words "reduce stress" makes the drink's purpose identifiable - to reduce stress. Further more, at the bottom of the bottle, it reads "35 calories" and "no artificial colors or flavors", promoting the healthiness of the drink. This itself has the capability of appealing to even the most health conscious buyers. This sounds like the perfect drink to potential buyers, but some start to question the validity of the drink, which will force them to turn the bottle around and read the text and the nutrition label on the back. The back explains the science behind such a wonderful product and reasoning as to why this drink works, which not only convincing consumers to buy this drink, but also establishes this brand's credibility as a health supplement drink. Their suspicion towards the drink is minimized and is the final factor leading people to buy this drink. 
     Even though this is a relatively new drink in the market, it has already started competing against other drinks. The healthy, attention grabbing, all-natural beverage gives constant messages to buyers about it benefits, which, in the end, convinces shoppers to buy this drink. Even I, who fell into the trap of its rhetorical appeal, bought this, showing Neuro achieves its purpose of selling its products and providing the public with a healthy lifestyle. 

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