Tuesday, June 10, 2014

TOW #30: Letter to APELC Students

Dear APELC student,

I may be wrong, but you're probably sitting here wondering why in the world you decided to take this course. From you peers, you probably heard that this was an outrageously stressful and almost impossible class to pass. However, be assured that those comments are over-exaggerated. This class is harder than the average English class you are used to, and you may not be accustomed to the APELC curriculum. However, it clearly is possible to get through the year just as I, and others in previous years, have.

What seems to stress APELC students the most are the essays we have to write. You probably are a great writer right now as it is, but don't be shocked and worried if you receive a low score on the first couple essays. I did not do that well on them, but I made sure to learn from my mistakes and improve myself. If you do need help, go to Mr. Yost and Mrs. Pronko. But keep this in mind: don't procrastinate on essays. Unfortunately, I was one of those kids who wouldn't write the good copy until the morning the essay was due. That never ended well... Just remember that you actually need to invest some time and effort in order to receive good results from this class.

In addition to all the writing, we read a lot. And by a lot, I seriously do mean A LOT! I was never an avid reader, so I was not a fan of the texts we had to read. My attitude, as a result, forced me to push back the reading until the night before and/or the morning it should have been done. One thing I advise you to do is spread out your reading because that really does help. I would suggest the same for the group projects that are assigned at the end of each marking period. Time management is a beneficial skill to have if you want to easily get through the year.

By the time the AP exam rolls around, you will be prepared, so no need to stress out the night before. Every little thing that we do in class and at home has a purpose, even the TOWs. I know the year may be difficult, but you're an APELC student, and you can survive. Relax and don’t be so hard on yourself. Not all your work will be masterpieces and it is hard to accept that. Move on from your bad score and just continuing improving yourself.

Good luck this year and be sure to have fun :)

Srinivas Sunil

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