Sunday, May 4, 2014

TOW 26 - Article: Snapchat Steps Up Its Game With Sophisticated New Messaging Features by Karissa Bell

Writing Goals:
Have analysis be concise and go back to the thesis

Reading Goals:Analyze a piece relating to current trends

     Excited and overwhelmed by the possibility of things, I was extremely animated when I learned about Snapchat's most recent update. Rather than just sending pictures and video in real time, this app is enhanced with a new look, messaging capabilities and video chatting. Karissa Bell, a journalist who writes about new apps and software programs for Mashable, praises the new features Snapchat has to present. By strategically incorporating simple format and illustrative pictures, Bell encourages smartphone users to get the latest version of Snapchat.
     To make it easy for readers to understand the information and message she is trying to give, Bell formats her article in a simple yet intelligent manner. Bell first organizes each section of her writing by each of Snapchat's newest features: "A New Look," "Text Messaging," and "Video Chatting." Within each of those sections, Bell includes a description of each feature as well as incorporate an image of what that component looks like. Complemented by her enthusiastic tone, this uncomplicated structure quickly and efficiently channels Bell's message to the readers. By showing how "great" the new specs of Snapchat are, Bell makes a strong appeal to pathos and makes audience feel excited about the new Snapchat.
     The simple structure of her article is further compounded by her use of illustrative pictures. Words can easily give a description of anything, but a picture can tell an entire story. Within each section of the article, Bell adds in a picture that enhances the readers understanding of what she is explaining. For instance, under the text messaging section, there is an image of two people sending messages to each other as well as pictures. This image alone portrays what the new features of Snapchat are like. Additionally, there is a caption under each image giving a brief overview of each new Snapchat features. This complemented by the praise given by Bell about this trending app is powerful enough to convince smartphone users to get this app.
     Karissa Bell, an enthusiastic journalist who approves of Snapchat's new update, successfully achieved her purpose of encouraging smartphone users to download this popular app. By integrating a simple structure and informative images, Bell was able to have her audience take Snapchat into consideration, allowing her to promote Snapchat to the public.


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