Sunday, October 20, 2013

TOW #6 - Article: "Traditional Work Hours are a Myth: Why Companies Should Ditch the 9-to-5 Standard" by Ilya Pozin

Continuing Working 9-to-5?

Ilya Pozin, a columnist on entrepreneurship and marketing, a writer, an investor, and an entrepreneur himself,  is a man who believes that the 9-to-5 work hours are not a productive range of time for employees. As the founder of Open Me, a social greeting card company, and Ciplex, a digital marketing agency, Pozin has a lot experience regarding the productivity and the efficiency of his employees. In the very beginning of his article, he makes the claim, "Automatically adopting a rigid schedule may have a negative effect on your employee's productivity and happiness. Telling them exactly when they must complete their work is a fast way to make them feel less autonomous and erode their trust."After explicitly stating his purpose for writing this article, Pozin transitions into a list of reasons as to why the 9-to-5 work schedule is inadequate. The reasons to "ditch the 9-to-5 standard" include less productivity, loss in trust, distracting time limit, and inhibition of teamwork. In today's society, competition between various companies is escalating and only the most capable of companies will be successful. Addressing his message to directly to businessmen, Pozin wants to ensure that CEOs and business leaders follow the right path when it comes to managing employees and their work hours. Pozin makes his points very lucid by incorporating a variety of rhetorical devices in his article. Firstly, his assertive tone makes his message very urgent, as if Pozin is saying, "Companies must get rid of this rigid work schedule NOW or the consequences will be fatal!" Additionally, Pozin organizes his thoughts in a very simplistic manner. He uses a list. By arranging his ideas in such way, the audience/readers can pinpoint exactly what Pozin wants to convey. Such an structure also has a strong appeal to logos, allowing facts and reasons to be channeled easily to the readers. Overall, Pozin's brief yet informative article effectively achieves its purpose because of its consistent straightforward information and its relation to the current business world.


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